Sunday, November 18, 2007


Alex was a teddybear for Halloween. He had a really great time! He wasn't sure about all these strangers handing him things, but he really enjoyed seeing all the kids in costumes- he waved to every one of them- and he was so excited that he was able to roam the neighborhood after dark. He ran up and down the sidewalk yelling "Boo!" Mama and Daddy enjoyed all the candy he collected for us. Ha! And much to my chagrin, Alex really likes lollipops.

Here's a little tidbit: We kept telling him that he was a bear, and the next day he began signing "bear" and saying it! It sounds like "bah," but he says it and points to pictures and toys of bears, so we know that he's made the connection. Pretty cool! I can't wait for the language explosion that should be happening within the next month or two!

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