Tuesday, October 9, 2007

15 Months Old!

Latest Stats !!!

20 lbs 10 oz

31 in tall

It's been a while! We've been getting used to all the changes in our lives- Mom is in grad school at Drexel and Alex is at the babysitter's four days a week. Dad is doing his best to keep us all from going crazy.

Lots of new stuff to talk about- all of which is well documented. I'll blog what I can tonight and the rest will have to be posted at a later date due to lack of time!!!

Alex has started to feed himself with a spoon. Messily, but he's doing it! He runs all over the place. "If you're happy and you know it..." is the current fave- he loves to stomp his feet. Alex has 6 teeth and is working on 8. He's picked up some new signs: Daddy taught him "more", which he is now combining to make short sentences- "more drink" and "drink milk". He signs "lion", "elephant", "giraffe", and "hippo" now. Alex says "Daddy" all the time, and hardly ever says "mama" anymore. His speech has been changing- his babbles have become very conversational and expressive. You can tell he's picking up the cadence of the langauge. He loves bath time. Alex also loves to do clean-up. He dances while we sing the "clean-up song".

This is Alex's snot bubble. Pretty gross, huh? He's getting over a little cold, and today during dinner he sneezed a bubble that lasted an amazingly long time! Well, we thought it was funny...

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