Monday, April 9, 2007

9 Months Old!

What Alex is up to now...
Crawling all over the place and fast! He has the cutest crawling posture- he pushes with his right foot while scooting/dragging the left. He pulls himself up and gets back down confidently. Loves to watch cars more than ever and lets us know, with an excited "uh!", whenever a bus or big truck passes by. Alex calls the cats by patting his thigh, and then proceeds to pester them if they dare come near. He just mastered a sippy cup- Mom and Dad finally figured out which lid he likes best. Oh, and when he wakes up in the morning, he rolls over in bed and tries to climb over us and make his escape!
Favorite things...
being outside
brushing his "teeth"
reading books (texture still rules)
opening and closing anything with a lid
playing with the soap dispenser in the dishwasher (see above)
toys/books with holes he can stick his finger into
...still HATES his diaper changed.
9 month stats to come...

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